Waiting for our referral, the time added up to one week less than 16 months.
This week we reached 16 months since our socialization visit and continue to wait for word about the final document being accepted, the last signature and our exit out of IBESR.
We continue to pray and wait, wait and pray.
Someone wrote recently on a Facebook group that they didn't know how we can stand it... my answer is more than just words.
Heart felt and true..."only with the Lord's help".
And the Lord's help comes with supportive people and lots of prayers.
While we don't know everyone who's praying we do know some and thankful for each one:
- supporting churches
- small groups
- other adopting families
- F's foster families
- those who connected with F during a visit
- homeschooling families
- friends around the world
- family
- friends we met on work teams
- adoption agencies and staff
- creche workers
- other missionaries
- our Haitian churches in the northern district
October 10th will make 1,000 days of our chart being in IBESR, the Haitian social services office.
Praying for the Lord's will. For F to be learning about the Lord's love along with growing in mind, body and spirit.
For F's biological family, his foster family and nannies, his case workers and our family to keep our eye's fixed on the Lord and be filled with hope in His plan.